2022 March

History Being Made

DJ Stuff

The title may sound a little bit of an overstatement but last night (March 26th) I got to DJ the inaugural home game for the SD WAVE FC team of the NWSL. Very cool experience for someone that has become a great fan of soccer and really excited to see them build up this organization.

Lasers for March

  • Make sure gear is working before gigs

    • I make it a point to make sure the gear is working before I leave for shows that way it keeps troubleshooting to a minimum by the time you get to the gig.

    • Keep headaches to a minimum and allows you to know that your gear is most likely not the problem if something arises at a show

  • Always reach out to new people about growing with them (its about the community)

    • At the end of the day you want to be doing what you do with people that enjoy their work also.

    • I love working with new groups because their excitement and passion is what drives me to be better.

Until next month we shall see what we learn,

Green Lasers at a live show


2022 January

Our first event of 2022 was actually our last event of 2021. It was our New Years Eve show with Fresh Entertainment.

For the show we provided Full. Color Lasers for. an Aerial show as well as one laser for Graphics to do the countdown for at midnight.

The events was in the heart of LA. and provided some cool warehouse vibes with music to match. The djs from the events were from Los Angeles, Arizona, and NorCal.

We got some great Video and picture content that we will be publishing on our social media sites on the week to come.

Looking forward to an exciting year and plan do one of these check-ins once a month. If there is anything you would like to see please reach out and if you have any questions let us know.


If you know what you want, why. are you waiting?"

-Simon Sarris